The Protective Behaviours Training Partnership was formed in 2012 to provide opportunities to promote Protective Behaviours and training for all at a realistic and affordable cost.  A fundamental part of this vision is also to uphold quality standards for PB training and provide continuing professional development for PB trainers and those training to become trainers. Current PBTP trainers have a total of over 50 years training Protective Behaviours and we continue to work with and are mentored by Di Margetts, the person who brought PBs to the UK. In this way we ensure our training remains consistent with the Universal PB process and are able to develop activities that maintain its integrity.

The Protective Behaviours Partnership Partners are also co-founders of the Protective Behaviours Association, as well as PBPeople, a community hub intended as a forum to facilitate and encourage communication between PB People nationally and internationally.- both can be found at

As well as delivering bespoke training on an individual contract basis and arranging our own open-access courses we have been approved to provide services to the following organisations:

LGSSLogo2016 LGSS is a shared service jointly owned by owned by Cambridgeshire County Council, Milton Keynes Council and Northamptonshire County Council.
NorthamptonshireCC Northamptonshire County Council Educational Psychology Service
CambridgeshireCC-logo Cambridgeshire County Council Workforce Development
Central Bedfordshire Council
Bedford Borough Council Bedford Borough Council
Early Childhood Partnership, Bedford
Oxfordshire County Council Children's Social Care Training Services for Oxfordshire County Council.
OTSA Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance
Worcestershire County Council Children's Services for Worcestershire County Council
Family Matters Institute Family Matters Institute, Bedfordshire
Leicestershire CC logo Leicestershire County Council
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust