Protective Behaviours Training Partnership (PBTP) Train the Trainer is a bespoke course agreed with experienced PB practitioners seeking to progress and qualify as a PBTP endorsed trainer. Applicants will have completed a Foundation and Specialist Practitioner (Process into Practice) course and will need to be willing to observe and co-train Foundation courses before being observed leading a Foundation training by a qualifed PBTP trainer. A successful observation of training would lead to a trainee being recommended for endorsement by the Protective Behaviours Training Partnership. Recommendation for endorsement qualifies the trainer to facilitate PB workshops and both Introduction and Foundation Protective Behaviours courses. Further observation and co-training would be needed in order to qualify for recommendation for endorsement to facilitate Specialist Practitioner P2P courses.

The Protective Behaviour Training Partnership Trainer route mirrors those of exisiting PBTP trainers and is based on an 'apprenticeship' model originally provided by Di Margetts. This model provides trainees with:

  • the opportunity to work at their own pace - typical time scales can be between 12-24 months for experienced PB practitioners, but it is not a 'race' :)
  • further develop their understanding and internalisation of the PB process by observing, discussing and producing individual session plans
  • train side-by-side with a variety of  supportive and experienced PB trainers.

For an informal discussion about individual trainer routes please feel free to contact any of the exisiting PBTP trainers using the website contact option.